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Goa and Rajasthan Team's Unite for a Team Building Event


Goa and Rajasthan teams unite for a team building event

22 September, 2022


In an effort to foster a stronger sense of unity and camaraderie within our organization, we recently organized a team-building activity for our Rajasthan and Goa plant employees.

Our Rajasthan and Goa team members came together on September 8th and 22nd respectively to participate in a variety of fun-filled activities. The events were arranged by Manoj Kamaliya, SVP – HSEF, during his official visits to the plants.

Not only did our team members enjoy spending quality time with one another, but they also savored a delicious dinner together. These activities provide our employees with the opportunity to create lasting memories while working together in a collaborative and enjoyable environment.

We believe that bringing our team members together and facilitating meaningful connections based on trust and respect is what sets us apart. We look forward to organizing more such activities in the future!